William (14 days)

Meet our new next door neighbor!  This big bubba weighed in at ten pounds, one ounce at birth.  Yes 10-1!  Mama is a total superhero.  This is actually our second round at his newborn pics.  A week before, they walked over from next door and Will was not quite sleepy enough for what I had in store for him!  Second time was a charm.

There was no Photoshopping this image!!  Will was truly in this tiny bowl balanced quite precariously on the scale (which actually does read 12 pounds.  Twelve!).  His daddy was one millimeter out of the frame on the right making sure he stayed safe and sound.

{thanks once again to Carrie Sandoval for the inspiration for this text}

next….Matt getting his upper body workout….

Welcome to the world sweet baby Will!  We are so excited to see you grow through the years….

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 24 years.love & joyCapturing the