Trip to Heaven….I mean Canada

We just got back from an amazing long weekend trip….just the 2 of us! No Kids! Matt kept the whole thing a big secret until about 2 weeks before, somehow I didn’t question the blank calendar before then and he took care of all the childcare too!

Now, we have lived in some pretty amazing places around the world and have been so fortunate as to travel to even more on trips. Australia, Micronesia, Central America, Europe, Thailand, Indonesia…on and on. Well, chalk this last trip to Whistler, Canada as one where I comment about 10 times a day, “And we live in Dallas because…..?”

To get there, you first need to fly to Vancouver. If the mountains of Whistler weren’t calling, I would have stayed right there in Vancouver. It is the anti-Dallas. Pedestrian and beautiful, it reminded me of when I lived in Chicago….on one of those perfect (RARE!) June days when everyone is out on the lake. Only in Vancouver, you have the mountains spilling right into the sea as the backdrop.

Whistler is a ski resort about a 2 hour gorgeous drive north of Vancouver. We hiked, zip lined, hut tubbed, and ate our way through 4 amazing days. Oh yeah, and almost got attacked by a bear. No exaggeration, a mother bear jumped out of the bushes a growled at me 18 inches away from our feet to clear the trail for her 2 yearling cubs. We only had the point and shoot digital camera (what is it with those stupid things that they won’t fire the shot when you want them too?) but I have a couple shakey, crappy pics for proof!

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 25 & joyCapturing the