Nina (18)

How fun to work with the beautiful Nina and her mom Swati last week.  At 18, Nina is off to SMU next year….so these weren’t exactly her senior pictures, but ones to commemorate a really exciting time in her and her family’s life.  This session was so great for me too…a chance to stretch a little from our norm around here and to really play behind the camera.  We started inside the studio and then outside.  Then we hopped in the car and explored the back alleys of downtown Plano.  Thanks, Nina!  I hope you have a great summer traveling.  And get ready!  Next year will one of the best of your life…


On a side note, I am so jealous of all the HS Seniors and the options they have for ROCKIN’ fashion-inspired amazing senior pictures these days.  I can say that my senior pics looked nothing like these.  I can also say that my 18 year old commemorative pictures contained the following:  a perm, a giant “92” prop, a glamor-shots style makeover…complete with purple eyeshadow, a black feather boa for around my shoulders, and lest we not forget the orange stirrup pants with the orange, yellow and hot pink striped baggy sweater to match.

{this is a monster post!  Just too many favs…}



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