This guy. This guy is what started our love and appreciation for the amazing charity called Operation Smile.
Conner is our nephew, who almost 10 years ago, was born with a cleft lip.
Not a huge deal, right? He was a healthy baby, we live in America and my brother’s insurance paid for expert plastic surgery. His tiny mouth was repaired at the age of only 8 weeks.
But in most places around the world, this is not the reality for children born with facial deformities. They are shunned. Their families are ashamed. And many times they are malnourished. Most of all, they do not have the resources to bring them a smile.
Did you know that a child’s life can be changed for only $240? Yes! $240. This is what a cleft lip surgery costs this incredible group of volunteer doctors, nurses and support staff, that has provided thousands of children around the world the smiles they deserve.
Photographers, please join PPA Charities as we help to make a BIG difference in the lives of children. PPA Charities has chosen Operation Smile as our main beneficiary, because…well, it just makes sense! We photograph smiling faces every day… great is it that we can come together to provide smiles for children in need?
So, will you please consider joining us by becoming an Operation Smile Studio?
By becoming an Operation Smile Studio, you pledge to save smiles….$240 at a time. Can save one smile? Can you save a hundred?
Please visit to learn more, and also view the slideshow below. These are images that I took in Honduras over two years ago during the trip of a lifetime, and one that I wish every photographer has the chance to experience.
(sidenote! since I produced this little slideshow, we have changed the terms of the trip awarded to photograph an OpSmile mission. Before, the largest contributing studio got to go….now….for every $240 a studio donates, that photographer has a chance in a drawing to be the next one picked to go! My friends Graham Wilson of Vision Photography and Bert Behnke of Behke Fine Portraiture both leave Tuesday to photograph missions. Graham is off to Vietnam, and Bert is headed to Peru.)
Thanks everyone, and God bless!
-Angie and Matt