
Happy 2011!!!!  Oh man, I have had a pretty good start to my resolutions so far:  the kitchen is organized, went to yoga today, got a Vitamix and I’m all ready to start drinking green smoothies each day (starting tomorrow!), and LOOK!  I’m blogging!

OK, well blogging this shoot has been on the back of my mind since THANKSGIVING….through all the craziness and the throwing up of my hands of doing ANY other social and business networking, I just have always known that I needed to share these images.  Because…….this sweet mommy is an old high school friend of mine, a connection made reality thanks to Facebook!  After about a year of stabbing at both of our calendars, we finally made the connection in Los Angeles and had a great (extended) family session at the LA County Museum of Art.    Sadly, the museum and its really really really cool grounds are closed on Wednesdays (OOPS!!!) and we made do by finding great light at a nearby museum and sneaking just a wee bit onto LACMA’s  grounds and it’s red air conditioning ducts.  Shhhh.

On with some pics!  I love this gal.  She is just as beautiful as in high school, and her kids are freaking adorable!   I love seeing us all grown up…..

The scene of the crime.  We were shooed off of this moments later.  So worth it though.  Isabelle is not only gorgeous but spunky and so funny!

Daniel learned to walk just days before this….and was glad to get a helping hand!

OMG I love this shot.  Every shoot has a few moments like these right?  It passed.  😉

Now, we had A LOT on our plate for this shoot.  All the cousins were in town for Thanksgiving so for sure we got to see them too.  They had a very special surprise waiting for them……

Their sweet grandpa was released from a brief hospital stay on this very day, and he and grandma made a surprise appearance.


Thanks for looking!  (if there is anyone out there still following this blog after my LOOOOOONG absence!)

Fellow photographers out there:  I had so many inquiries and email/Facebook questions from you all during December and they totally got pushed to the back burner. Sorry!!  I’m trying to make it though and getting back with you all, but if you don’t hear back from me  in the next couple days, feel free to shoot me another line and I’ll do my best.

Oh another photographer thing:  it’s a new year and I decided to play around a little bit differently on my processing of these few pics.  Thoughts?  Be honest, I can take it!  Thanks!

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 25 & joyCapturing the