
We couldn’t be more happy for this little family!  Connor welcomed his new sister Lucy all the way from China this fall.  Now, this girl is a dynamo!  I think she had been home in the states for about a month when we met for this photo session.  Although we received a little bit of translation help from a cool iPhone app, she could totally understand most things we said to her in English!  And she’s doing great at school, too.  Amazing I tell you!  Lucy is a fun, effervescent, and sweet little sister to the awesome Connor.  It was so fun to see their already typical brother-sister relationship forming…they razzed each other the whole time.  Congrats, you guys!  And welcome home Lucy!

I think my favorite exchange of the afternoon was when Mama, who is a doctor, referenced Lucy as her “daughter.”  Well, Lucy then said, “No, I am not doctor!”  And Mama said, “You are my daughter, I am a doctor.” And Lucy said, “Daughter, doctor, daughter, doctor, ” and then just shrugged her shoulders and moved on.  English lesson learned right there….so cool. 🙂

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