Congrats #2

…to my dad!!

After a whirlwind Christmas trip to my mom and step dad’s house in Indy, we packed up and drove down to Dalton, Georgia, for my dad’s wedding on the 28th (consequently, my wonderful husband’s birthday!).  My new step mom is just as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside, and we could not be more thrilled for the both of them.  It was also so great to meet our new extended family and have a reunion of family we hadn’t seen in years.

This was a first for me…..being in the wedding and shooting it too!

Some of the grandkids (cousins meeting for the first time that day!) hoping the toast would end in a hurry so they could get on with that cake!

My two little brothers….ages 32 and 16.  Lets hope Will takes after my hairline and not Todd’s!!!

the Princess Table…..set up especially for the little girl granddaughters

Congrats Dad and Sharon!  We love you both!!

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 25 & joyCapturing the