Category Archives: Personal

Flat Stanley

Our daughter’s second grade project this fall was to send her little “buddy” Flat Stanley to a friend or family member far far away.  When Stanley returns, he tells the story of the places he saw and the people he met. Well, I think Ava’s Flat Stanley got the trip of a lifetime.  Wouldn’t you...


I am tragically bad at processing, printing, and sharing the images I take of our own family.  I have so many in this computer….they just need to get out!  Here are some snaps from a morning a couple weeks ago.  The bond my kids have with their cousins is so amazing, and we love watching...

Attention moms with cameras!

There is a great new blog site just for us!  Miss Emily Potts is doing a great job of coming up with wonderful content each day for those of us mamas who really mean business.   I did an interview for the blog a couple days ago….check it out;  scroll back a few days to...

happy happy day

What an amazing weekend we had!!!  After building the world’s greatest snowman on Thursday night, we awoke to a FOOT of snow on the ground on Friday!!  Surely a gift from God, as this is Dallas people!  I have so many more pics to share, but thanks to inspiration from my friend, Ruth, we put...

Amen, sister!

Happy Sunday everyone!  Yea go Colts!  It was an exciting afternoon for this fair weather fan….we donned our Colts gear and cheered them onto the Superbowl.   I’m really not a football fan AT ALL, but, being a Hoosier it’s exciting just the same. So, I was surfing around the web today (during commercial breaks, of...

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 25 & joyCapturing the