At the beach….part 6

I met Em Tanner the last time we were visiting Rosemary Beach…..I was scooping up her adorable Funky Tees at her trunk show at a kid’s boutique.  She is also a photographer….and also always behind the camera.  So we met her and her funky family at the beach for a very early morning session a couple days ago.   

Yea!  Pics of a mom photographer with her kids!  They do now exist!  

And check out the awesome tees she brought us and our funky girls:  (I swear there have been pics taken of our family during this trip……they are still in the camera and will probably not be even looked at for weeks.  Besides not having mom in images, this is another downfall of the photographer’s family….:) )

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 25 & joyCapturing the