A confession….

….we had never hired another photographer to capture our own family.  Except for our two children’s birth images that my good friend Kim took (which are amazing and I will cherish forever…), all the family portraits of us have involved either a.) a tripod, a cable release, and crossed fingers or b.) my brother snap, snap, snapping and a couple of headswaps.

It was well overdue.

Not that we hadn’t tried…..I really had the best of intentions for a couple years!  I booked a photographer in Florida once and then the trip fell through.  You know, life got in the way. (EXACTLY what I warn my clients against!  We are so bad!)

So the incomparable Fred Egan came over and we found a really nice meadow near our home to spend sunset together.  Fred is somewhat of a rockstar commercial and destination wedding photographer based here in DFW and I am so indebted to him for stepping outside of his norm…..tackling the 2 year old, 5 year old and 2 crazy dogs head on.  We had such a blast and cannot WAIT to see the proofs! In the mean time, he sent over a little appetizer.  Yippee!!!  Just what I had in mind….

Fred and me….

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 25 years.love & joyCapturing the